Blog Posts for Kelly and Castagna

Car Accidents Lawyer Normal Illinois | Compensation for damaged property

The types of items that may be damaged in a car accident include your vehicle, other vehicles involved in the crash, and other personal property. Motorists are generally required to cover the cost of any damage caused by their negligent driving and our car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois can help you determine what damages you…

Car Accidents Lawyers Normal Illinois | Who pays for car accident claims?

After an unexpected car accident you may be dealing with injuries, car repairs, and medical bills. If you’re not at fault for the crash, then who is responsible for paying your expenses? You don’t need the added stress of figuring out who is responsible or taking legal action without proper representation. Our car accidents lawyers…

Car Accident Lawyers Normal Illinois | Car accident settlements

According to the Insurance Information Institute, roughly 1.9 million Americans were injured in auto accidents in 2018 alone. Car accidents can cause serious injuries that require medical attention and ongoing care. If you’ve been involved in an accident and plan on suing for damages, experienced car accident lawyers Normal Illinois can help you get fair…

Car Accident Lawyer Normal Illinois | Car Accident Injuries

Injuries you sustained after a car accident may affect you for the rest of your life. You deserve just compensation and our car accident lawyer Normal Illinois can help you. Our legal team has successfully represented victims of personal injury and will work tirelessly to ensure that you are taken care of. Call today at…

Car Accidents Lawyer Bloomington Illinois | Steps to take after a car accident

If you have been injured in a car accident you may need a car accidents lawyer Bloomington Illinois to file a personal injury claim. The legal team at Kelly & Castagna has the experience and passion to see you through the legal process. Contact us today at 309-820-0600.  It is important for you to know…

Car Accident Lawyers Bloomington Illinois | Car Accidents and Cell Phone Use

Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents in Illinois. Distracted drivers may be texting or calling on their cell phone, fiddling with GPS devices, or simply daydreaming about something else while they should be paying attention to what’s happening around them. If you’ve been in an accident and a cell phone was a…

Car accidents lawyers Bloomington Illinois | What happens when someone else is driving my car and is in an accident?

Your auto insurance will only cover specific instances if you loan out your vehicle and someone else causes an accident while using it. If someone else has had an accident in your vehicle, our car accidents lawyers Bloomington Illinois is here to help. Contact Kelly & Castagna today at 309-820-0600.  Driving a car is an…

Car Accident Lawyer Bloomington Illinois | Compensation for injuries in car accidents

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be able to sue for compensation. If you want to go that route, you will need a car accident lawyer Bloomington Illinois to help you through the process. The attorneys at Kelly & Castagna are here to help you pursue justice. Contact us at 309-820-0600…