Car Accidents Lawyer Normal Illinois | Compensation for damaged property
The types of items that may be damaged in a car accident include your vehicle, other vehicles involved in the crash, and other personal property. Motorists are generally required to cover the cost of any damage caused by their negligent driving and our car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois can help you determine what damages you may recover.
In the event of a car accident, it is not uncommon for property damage to occur. Kelly & Castagna has the knowledge, experience, and resources to pursue justice on your behalf. We will be able to make sure your rights are protected and that you are fully compensated for your losses. Call today at 309-820-0600 and we will make sure you are covered for property damages.
Compensation for personal property damage
If someone else’s negligent driving caused your damages, then their insurance company may have to pay additional money. Because our lawyers have experience with insurance companies, we know how to negotiate and get you the best deal possible. Contact our car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois for a consultation.
Property damage is one thing you can claim. You will receive compensation for any physical damage such as broken windows or missing parts. Loss of use is another claim you may have. If you’re unable to use the item because it’s damaged, this is also eligible for compensation.
The amount of compensation you can receive for damaged personal property because of a car accident depends on the value of your property. There is a limitation of when you can file your claim. The value of your personal property is determined by its type and condition before the accident. For example, if your vehicle was new when it was damaged during a car crash, its replacement cost would be higher than if it were twenty years old.
According to The Illinois Department of Insurance, there is a specific process you need to go through to recover compensation. The team at Kelly & Castagna will make sure the legal process goes smoothly and that you are compensated fairly for the value of your damaged property.

Claims for Financial losses
In addition to the damage to your vehicle, there are other financial losses that can be claimed. For example, if you have medical bills or lost wages as a result of the accident, those costs may be eligible for reimbursement. Additionally, you may also be able to claim money for pain and suffering or mental anguish if you experienced psychological trauma after being involved in an accident. If your car was damaged by another driver who did not have insurance or adequate coverage, then it’s important that you seek legal advice regarding how much compensation would be appropriate under these circumstances.
Filing a claim
You may be looking into filing a claim because of an auto accident, but it doesn’t mean that someone else was at fault. For example, if your brakes failed and caused a collision with another car, this would be considered an “accidental” event and thus covered under your own insurance policy.
If you were involved in a car crash where someone else was at fault (like they didn’t have working tail lights), then our car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois can help guide you through the process of filing an insurance claim, so you can receive compensation for damages.
Our experienced car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois is here for you
The process for filing a legal claim for an auto accident can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate alone. If you need help with this issue or any other legal issue related to your claim, please contact our car accidents lawyer Normal Illinois. You may be entitled to compensation for damaged personal property. We’ll do everything we can to help ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for your losses.