Personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Bicycle Accidents Involving Children

Bicycling is a cherished activity among children, offering a sense of freedom and physical exercise. However, it also presents significant risks, especially when children navigate streets shared with motor vehicles. If your child has been injured in a bicycle accident, a personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois is here to help. At Kelly & Castagna, our knowledge of the law, our fierce advocacy, and our ability to develop and maintain relationships with our clients has helped us achieve successful resolutions for a variety of cases. Call for a free consultation today at 309-820-0600.

In Illinois, bicycle accidents involving children are a serious concern, often leading to severe injuries or even fatalities. It’s important to understand the common causes of these accidents, the types of injuries children can sustain, and measures that can be taken to enhance their safety.

Statistics and Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents Involving Children

Bicycle accidents involving children are unfortunately common. If your child has been injured our personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois will pursue justice for you. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), children under the age of 14 account for a significant proportion of bicycle-related injuries and fatalities. In Illinois, these accidents are often attributed to several factors.

Common Causes:

  • Lack of Supervision: Children may lack the judgment and experience to navigate traffic safely, making supervision crucial.
  • Failure to Obey Traffic Laws: Children may not fully understand traffic rules or the importance of obeying them, leading to risky behaviors such as running stop signs or riding against traffic.
  • Inadequate Safety Gear: Not wearing helmets or using poorly fitted ones increases the risk of head injuries in the event of an accident.
  • Driver Negligence: Drivers who are distracted, speeding, or fail to yield the right of way can cause accidents involving child cyclists.
  • Poor Visibility: Children on bicycles can be difficult for drivers to see, especially at dusk or dawn, or when they dart out from behind parked cars or other obstacles.

The NHTSA reports that in 2021 about 5,000 children 14 and under were injured in bicycle accidents while another 38 were killed. These accidents are tragic and it is important that you understand your legal rights. You have a right to pursue justice and our personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois is here to help. 

Common Injuries Sustained by Children in Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents can result in a range of injuries for children, from minor cuts and bruises to more severe and life-threatening conditions. Due to their smaller size and vulnerability, children are particularly at risk for serious injuries.

Nationwide Childrens’ reports that the majority of children injured are between 10-14 years old. 

The most commonly injured body region was the upper extremities (36%), followed by the lower extremities (25%), face (15%), and head and neck (15%). 

Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

The most common types of injury were bruises and scrapes (29%) and cuts (23%). Overall, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) represented 11% of total injuries and were most common among patients 10-14 years of age (44%). About 4% of patients were hospitalized.

The medical expenses and possible ongoing treatment can be covered by those who are liable. Our personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois will make sure to evaluate what happened and figure out who is liable. We will do everything we can to get you compensated for your child’s injuries. 

Legal Considerations and Liability

Determining liability in bicycle accidents involving children can be complex. Illinois law requires drivers to exercise special caution when they are aware that children are present. This heightened duty of care can impact liability determinations.

If a driver is found to be negligent, such as by speeding, driving distracted, or failing to yield, they can be held liable for the accident. In some cases, the supervision provided by the child’s parents or guardians may be scrutinized. However, Illinois law typically places a higher duty of care on drivers to avoid harm to children.

If the accident was caused by a defective bicycle or safety gear, manufacturers and retailers could be held liable under product liability laws. Whomever is deemed liable, our personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois will pursue justice for you. 

Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

What to Do If Your Child Is Involved in a Bicycle Accident

If your child is involved in a bicycle accident, taking immediate and appropriate steps can protect their health and legal rights. Even if injuries seem minor, it’s essential to get a thorough medical evaluation. Contact the police and file an official report. This documentation will be important for any future legal action.

Take photos of the accident scene, your child’s injuries, and any damage to the bicycle. Collect contact information from witnesses. Consult with an experienced attorney that can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation needed for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Contact our personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois to pursue justice for you and your child

Bicycle accidents involving children are a serious issue in Illinois, requiring vigilant attention from parents, drivers, and policymakers. By understanding the common causes and taking proactive steps to enhance safety, we can help protect young cyclists from harm. 

If your child has been injured in a bicycle accident, consulting with a personal injury lawyer Farmer City Illinois can provide the guidance and support needed to address the legal complexities and secure the necessary compensation for recovery. You need and deserve support and we are here for you.

Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Personal Injury Lawyer Farmer City Illinois | Kelly and Castagna | Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

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