Car Accident Lawyers Bloomington Illinois | Car Accidents and Cell Phone Use
Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents in Illinois. Distracted drivers may be texting or calling on their cell phone, fiddling with GPS devices, or simply daydreaming about something else while they should be paying attention to what’s happening around them. If you’ve been in an accident and a cell phone was a contributing factor, our car accident lawyers Bloomington Illinois can help. Contact Kelly & Castagna today for a consultation at 309-820-0600.
Unfortunately, about 10 people a day are killed by distracted driving. Although Illinois has strict laws about cell phone use and driving, they are a common cause of car accidents. They distract the driver and take their focus off of the road.
Most car accident are preventable
You can’t control what happens to you on the road, but you can control how prepared you are for it. The one thing that can prevent most of these injuries and deaths is to keep your eyes on the road. Although it’s illegal to drive while using a cell phone in the state of Illinois, many people still do so anyway—and as a result, they put themselves and others at risk for serious injury or death in an accident.
There are other reasons why drivers are distracted: combing hair, smoking, putting on makeup, playing with the radio, or attending to the needs of other passengers. However, technology remains a key distraction.
Although there are laws in place about distracted driving in Illinois, some people just can’t put away their phones. If you’ve been in an accident and need support, contact our car accident lawyers Bloomington Illinois today.

It is illegal to drive while using a cell phone in Illinois
In Illinois, it’s illegal to use a cell phone while driving in any way. That means you can’t text, talk on the phone, or even hold it while driving. This applies to all drivers in all locations within the state. It also includes school zones and highway construction zones.
Even if you are stopped at a red light or stop sign and not moving, it’s still illegal to text while driving. If you’re pulled over by a police officer and they see that you are texting while driving, they can ticket you for breaking this law.
Hands-free devices for BlueTooth technology are allowed for persons age 19 and older. Although this is the case, using hands-free technology is also considered a distraction while driving and can be dangerous. If you must make a phone call, even with hands-free technology, it is recommended that you pull off to the side of the road before making the call.
The fines for texting while driving in Chicago range from $100 to $500 depending on how many times officers have previously issued tickets for similar violations. In addition, if you cause an accident as a result of texting and driving, your insurance rates will increase substantially.
If you’re involved in an accident and distracted driving is a cause, contact our car accident lawyers Bloomington Illinois for a consultation. Our attorneys have the experience and compassion to pursue justice for you.
You deserve compensation after an accident and our car accident lawyers Bloomington Illinois will help
You can help prevent car accidents by keeping your eyes on the road. Even if you’re using a hands-free device, if you look away from the road for more than two seconds, you’re at serious risk of causing an accident.
You’re four times more likely to be involved in an accident if you use your cell phone while driving. Texting while driving, in particular, can be especially dangerous because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive skills from drivers who are supposed to be focusing on the road ahead.
At Kelly & Castagna Associates we will help you navigate the process and pursue justice. If you’ve been in an accident and a driver was negligent, our car accident lawyers Bloomington Illinois is here to help. Contact us today for a consultation.